BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa

The goosefoot, with its 170 species, is widespread throughout the world. In Central Europe, it is mainly the white goosefoot that is best known. It is often considered a weed and grows on roadsides, field margins and agricultural fallow. White goosefoot grows between 10 and 150 cm high. The leaves and the greenish-white flowers appear mealy pollinated.
Goosefoot pollen shows a high allergenicity. However, an allergy to goosefoot is rather rare in Germany. The allergy is more common in southern Europe and the Middle East.
Pollen season
The flowers open between the beginning of June and mid-September. Symptoms often appear between May and July.
Possible cross-reactions
Cross-reactions may occur to other pollens within the foxtail family, such as spinach, chard, quinoa and amaranth.