BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa
BICOM® bioresonance
Proven therapy for allergies

What is bioresonance?
Biophysical basics
The tendency to develop an allergy has been increasing in the world population for decades.
In 1960, only 3% of the world population had a hypersensitive (allergic) reaction to foreign substances (allergens).
Today, almost half of all people, worldwide, show more or less pronounced allergic symptoms. Scientists, allergy researchers and allergologists already predict that in the future everyone will have an allergy.
The BICOM® bioresonance method has been dealing with the subject of allergies since 1987, and with more than 17,000 BICOM® devices in over 90 countries, there are numerous experiences and recommendations for medical practices.
One focus of the BICOM optima® device is the treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (allergic rhinitis). Whereby there are also recommendations for the treatment of mild to moderate allergic symptoms.
By means of specially designed therapy programs, low energy electromagnetic waves are used to activate and restore the patient’s own self-healing powers.
With the therapist finder you can find practices in Germany that can offer you BICOM® bioresonance. Many doctors or therapists also offer early allergy detection for preventive care. For practices outside of Germany, please contact one of our international partners.
Painless, gentle and cause-oriented
Both testing and treatment with the BICOM® device is absolutely painless. Therefore, it is especially suitable for children from the age of 4 or patients with a very restless state of mind.
BICOM® bioresonance has no harmful side effects and is used without medication.
Occasionally, initial aggravations may occur during the therapy, due to the so-called initial reaction of the body. However, these subside after a short time.
BICOM® in Social Media
Our goal is to help patients with our proven allergy therapy.
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Proven treatment of allergies
BICOM® bioresonance is very well suited to counter-act allergies. This is based on numerously available application observations.
These include mild to moderate allergic and allergy-associated diseases and complications, with a focus on allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.
BICOM® devices are now used by over 6,500 physicians and 5,600 naturopathic practitioners in more than 90 countries.
Both testing and treatment with BICOM® bioresonance is absolutely painless and most patients even find it pleasant. It is therefore particularly suitable for children and restless patients. Moreover, there are no known harmful side effects.
The number of treatments depends on the severity of the symptoms and the duration of the disease.
Primary and secondary symptoms
of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
- Sneezing
- Itching
- Secretion
- Obstruction
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Halitosis
- Eyelid edema
- Rhinophonia clausa
- Dyspnea
- Sleep disorders
- Nasal hyperreactivity
- Concentration disorders
BICOM® bioresonance treatment
Usual procedure with a doctor or naturopathic practitioner
1. Initial consultation before treatment
First, the BICOM® therapist takes a medical history with the patient. Here, possible previous illnesses and relevant nutritional and lifestyle habits are recorded by means of specific questions.
2. Testing
In the next step, a testing procedure is applied. It provides the therapist with indications of possible causes and complaints and paves the way for the necessary treatment steps.
Therapists often combine several test procedures to cover a wide spectrum of analysis. Each test option has its advantages and disadvantages.
Common procedures in the context of testing are e.g. laboratory tests, manual or automatic bioenergetic testing procedures and kinesiological testing procedures.
3. Treatment
The test results determine the further treatment steps, which are then decided by the therapist. Usually, the therapist prepares a treatment plan together with the patient, in which the necessary BICOM® therapy programs are listed. Patients often also receive dietary recommendations from the therapist in order to prevent possible contraindications after treatment. One treatment usually lasts 10 to 30 minutes.
4. Follow-up examination
A follow-up examination usually takes place 1-2 weeks after the first treatment. During a short anamnesis, changes are documented. If necessary, further laboratory tests are ordered or, based on the results, further modifications are made to the therapy plan in order to achieve cause-oriented and lasting treatment success.
Too many stressful factors harm your health
We want you to be well!
The human body consists of about two thirds water. This body fluid is not only the cell´s means of nutrient, but also serves as a “hazardous waste dump” for polluting substances when the excretory organs such as the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, etc. are overloaded. Due to this, more and more burdens can accumulate in the human body.
The BICOM optima® offers proven allergy therapy, but a healthy lifestyle before and after therapy also has a positive influence on the mind and body. Self-healing powers and regulatory ability play an important role even after BICOM® therapy.

Any questions?
Your local BICOM® therapist will be happy to help you personally
Addresses of BICOM® therapists in countries outside Germany, can be obtained from the respective international partners.