BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa

Grass pollen allergy is one of the most common pollen allergies. Particularly the pollen of sweet grasses (such as wheat, bent grass, lych grass, and meadow blue grass) can cause corresponding symptoms in those affected. A typical symptom is, for example, the allergy-related inflammation of the nasal mucosa, also known as hay fever.
The grass family is home to numerous survival artists. Depending on the vegetation, grasses are very adaptable, so they can be found in any climate zone. Depending on the local temperature and the type of grass, the leaf shape and color differ. With a smaller leaf surface, less water evaporates, and this characteristic is especially evident in dry regions. The pollen spreads mainly with the wind.
Pollen season
Due to high cross-reactivity, there is hardly any respite for sufferers who show allergic symptoms to grass pollen. However, with regard to the flowering period and allergenic significance of some grass and cereal species, the months of April to August are most marked by the pollen count.
Depending on the location, certain harvest times can induce symptoms. Pollen rye, for example, with its up to 21 million pollen grains, is one of the most aggressive allergen carriers among the grasses. Grass pollen allergy sufferers feel this especially during harvest time. As with wheat, the regular harvest time is in midsummer from the end of July to mid-August. However, green rye, which is used in biogas plants and for animal feed, is usually harvested two months earlier.
Possible cross-reactions
When allergic to grasses, a cross-reaction to cereal products and pulses is possible, such as wheat, barley, rye or spelt in the form of bread, rolls & pastries, as well as beans, lentils, peas, peanuts or soy in the form of salads, mueslis & snacks. An allergic reaction can also occur, for example, when eating flour that has not been baked.