BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa


Pines belong to the conifer family, they are one of the most important tree species in forestry and are therefore very widespread. Pollination takes place through the wind, which favors the formation of a large amount of pollen.

Although allergies to pine pollen are rather rare, they are none the less problematic for those affected due to the spread and large amount of pine pollen. Those affected are usually allergy sufferers who already have a sensitization to birch, mugwort and/or ryegrass. Sensitization to pine pollen shows up in sufferers due to a cross-reaction.

Among the tree species, pine is relatively easy to recognize. The flexible pine needles grow together in the form of several bundles and reach a length of 2.5 to 50 cm, depending on the pine species. The cones are ovoid.

Pollen season

Depending on the weather, the flowering time is between the beginning of April and August. However, the pollen count of the pine only affects a period of a few weeks, usually the beginning of May and the beginning of June.

Possible cross-reactions

Allergy to pine pollen is manifested by a cross-reaction to olive, cypress, birch, mugwort and/or ryegrass. However, a possible cause among sufferers could also be a food allergy to pine nuts.