BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa
Schumann frequency
Schumann frequency
The Schumann frequency, also known as the Schumann resonance, was named after the German physicist and electrical engineer Winfried Otto Schumann. It describes the occurrence of electromagnetic waves forming along the circumference of the earth. These waves are in a frequency range of 3 to 30 Hz, depending on the season. The lowest fundamental wave of the Schumann resonance lies at approx. 7.8 Hz. The harmonics are at 14 and 45 Hz.
The waves are formed in the space between the earth’s surface (mainly salt water) and the ionosphere. Due to its conductive properties, the interspace acts as a spherical shell-shaped cavity resonator in the context of the Schumann resonance. The frequency range, which can usually only be detected by very sensitive measuring instruments, is known in scientific circles under the terminology “Extremely Low Frequency”. The Schumann frequency is favored by natural processes in the atmosphere and ionosphere, such as lightning or friction of air masses.