BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa

Bioresonance for allergic skin reaction & food intolerance

Towards the end of my training as a naturopathic practitioner, I attended a lecture on the BICOM® bioresonance method, which was held at our school. We learned interesting facts about how it works and the therapeutic possibilities associated with it. I was fascinated. I was particularly impressed by how good the chances of improvement are in the field of acute and chronic allergies and intolerances. From then on, it was clear to me that as soon as I had my own practice, I would also acquire a BICOM® device. And so it came to be the case.

Case study: Allergic reaction of the skin after swimming

Although I have been working with the bioresonance method for only one year, I have already been able to efficiently help many patients to alleviate or completely get rid of their complaints.

I would like to tell about the success in the case of a swimmer: Man, 55 years old, had moved to our place only three years before. His favorite pastime is swimming in one of the seven lakes in our area. As soon as the temperatures allowed it, he pursued his hobby. For the past two years, he was put off by the discomfort it caused. Each time, after swimming in the lake, he would develop a severely itchy rash on various parts of his body that lasted for several days. No matter which of the lakes he was in, the allergic skin reaction always occurred.

I asked him to bring in a bottle of lake water for a resonance test. The test confirmed that there was allergic exposure. So, three treatments with the BICOM® device followed at weekly intervals. The next resonance test with lake water showed no more exposure, so he dared to go swimming again. The stay in the lake remained without the annoying consequences, he could enjoy it again. No more unpleasant skin reactions!

Nevertheless, I think it is advisable to follow up with 1-2 treatments before the upcoming swimming season.

Case study: Allergic to gluten, fructose and milk protein

Girl, 5 years old, regularly attends day care. For some time she has been complaining of severe abdominal pain. When the mother brings the child to my practice, she seems restless, querulous and is not in a good general condition.

After an introductory conversation with the mother and child, I ruled out various other factors and performed a resonance test using the food test ampules. Result of the test: reaction to gluten, fructose and milk protein. Interestingly, this result was identical to a prick test, which, since it had already been planned in advance, was performed in a doctor’s office during the same period.


During the treatment, the mother made sure that her child did not eat any foods containing gluten, fructose and milk protein. Since the child received his lunch at the daycare center, the mother informed herself in advance about the weekly menu. She cooked the same dish as an “allergen-free” version at home and brought it to the day care center. The child should not feel excluded from the community.

Treatment with the BICOM® device:

First, I applied a special program to stimulate basic regulation. Then I specifically treated each of the found stresses with proven allergy programs of the BICOM® device. After three bioresonance treatments, the child was already feeling better. However, a total of six treatments were necessary for the symptoms to completely subside and the condition to stabilize. At the end of the therapy, the child’s behavior had improved enormously, he was lively and outgoing. Here, too, it makes sense to keep an eye on the child’s health and to carry out further treatments if necessary.


… Are you a medical professional looking for a cause-oriented, holistic treatment concept? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives to learn more about the BICOM® Bioresonance Method.


Anne Kirse

Naturopath with practice in Lychen.

After successful studies in international business administration and work in this field, she began a comprehensive training as a naturopathic practitioner and osteopath six years ago.

In her practice and offers a wide range of naturopathic remedies and methods, also the BICOM® bioresonance method.