BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa

Bioresonance method: Why more and more patients are happy to accept it

Bioresonance method: Why more and more patients are happy to accept it
A new employee, who was already familiar with bioresonance through another clinic, drew my attention to this method in 2005 and aroused my interest. The same year, I purchased a bioresonance device and familiarized myself with the method.
Today, I can no longer imagine my practice without bioresonance. My patients have gladly accepted the method. Over the years, I have gained many regular patients for this complementary method.. The fields of treatment are diverse. In addition to supportive impulses for orthopaedic topics, traumatology, sports injuries, circulatory disorders, etc. Bioresonance is indispensable for the treatment of allergies and intolerances.
In acute cases, treatment successes occur very quickly, usually after two to three treatments. Longer manifested complaints may require up to ten treatments and, I am highly satisfied with a success rate of about 80%.
… Are you a medical professional looking for a cause-oriented, holistic treatment concept? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives to learn more about the BICOM® Bioresonance Method.