BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa
Complementary forms of treatment are trending
Complementary forms of treatment are trending
In 2006 I opened my own practice. At that time, I quickly realized that I needed other options besides conventional medicine in order to be able to offer my patients comprehensive help.
During my training as a medical specialist I had become superficially acquainted with the bioresonance method, but at that time I was still rather skeptical about this procedure. It was not until I received an advertising letter from the REGUMED® company that my interest was finally awakened. I made an appointment and had the device demonstrated in my practice. Afterwards I was enthusiastic and did not want to withhold this gentle, side-effect-free treatment method from my patients.
Delegating treatment steps
When I got the BICOM® device, I fundamentally familiarized myself with the method and attended various training courses. I also had my assistants trained extensively. It is important to me that they can support me professionally and that I can delegate some treatment steps to them.
Duration of allergy treatment
I work very individually with patients and often I can uncover and subsequently eliminate other health problems through allergy testing. On average, we have a treatment duration of six sessions in one or two-week cycles. With young patients, the therapy usually takes effect very quickly, but with longer manifestations it can take a few more therapy sessions. The demand and the acceptance of the patients is very good, it always has been. In the meantime, allergy therapy has become one of our main areas of treatment. We are very satisfied with our success rate.
In the course of the last few years, in my experience, the demands of patients have changed. More and more are interested in natural medicine, and complementary forms of treatment outside of conventional medicine. The bioresonance method is ideal for this, I can really recommend it.
… Are you a medical professional looking for a cause-oriented, holistic treatment concept? Get in contact with us or one of our international representatives to learn more about the BICOM® Bioresonance Method.