BICOM optima®
Certified medical device Class IIa
BICOM® bioresonance method
The gentle help for allergies

The BICOM® bioresonance method
The BICOM® bioresonance method belongs to the field of complementary medicine and is constantly optimized and developed further in cooperation with medical professionals.
The BICOM optima® which works according to this method is a certified Class IIa medical device. It is used to activate and restore the body’s own self-healing powers. It is recommended for the treatment of mild to moderate allergic and allergy-associated diseases and complications, but mainly for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.
In the BICOM optima® doctors and naturopathic practitioners recognize a useful method that can be easily integrated into their practice in parallel to conventional medicine.
Our therapeutic goal is to be able to help you as much as possible! The following pages will give you a brief insight into this gentle but effective method.
BICOM® bioresonance method with the BICOM optima®
A medical product to restore the body’s own self-healing powers. Complementary to conventional medicine. Further information:
Since 1987
Continuously developed by experienced BICOM® therapists (doctors & naturopathic practitioners).
BICOM® devices are in use in over 90 countries worldwide.
Over 100 seminars, workshops and specialist lectures per year.
+35 years
Experience with the bioresonance method.
BICOM® Bioresonance – Designed and developed in Germany.
Worth knowing
Activating the self-healing process with Bioresonance
Personal experience, like many colleagues, led me to BICOM® Bioresonance and convinced me of the effectiveness of this complementary method. As a result, I decided to use the BICOM® device as soon as I had my own Practice. When the time came a few years later, I realized this intention and purchased a BICOM optima®. […]
Bioresonance method: Why more and more patients are happy to accept it
A new employee, who was already familiar with bioresonance through another clinic, drew my attention to this method in 2005 and aroused my interest. The same year, I purchased a bioresonance device and familiarized myself with the method. Today, I can no longer imagine my practice without bioresonance. My patients have gladly accepted the method. […]
Bioresonance, a valuable complement to classical homeopathy
I came across the BICOM® bioresonance device many years ago at a medical congress (Medical Week) in Baden-Baden. Compared to a competitor device, it has the advantage of having a large number of treatment programs and proven program sequences stored on it, which can be called up when needed. That’s why I decided to buy […]
Permanent help for multi-allergy sufferers
Time and again, patients come to my practice suffering from diverse allergies and a variety of indefinable symptoms. Some patients tell me that they are now allergic to almost everything and can no longer tolerate anything except potatoes and water. Especially in the case of multi-allergy sufferers, it is important to know that these diverse […]
Patients are increasingly open to bioresonance
I have been working with my BICOM® device for more than 10 years now. At first it was rather slow and it was not always easy to convince my patients of this treatment method. Many had not heard of it and were still skeptical. Perhaps the initial uncertainty on my part also played a role. […]
Bioresonance for allergic skin reaction & food intolerance
Towards the end of my training as a naturopathic practitioner, I attended a lecture on the BICOM® bioresonance method, which was held at our school. We learned interesting facts about how it works and the therapeutic possibilities associated with it. I was fascinated. I was particularly impressed by how good the chances of improvement are […]
Added therapeutic value for the practice
„Since the middle of the last century, the prevalence of allergies has been steadily increasing in Westernized countries. Around 30 to 40 percent of Germans now suffer from at least one allergy.“ (Source: Years of allergic symptoms can be very stressful and enormously restrict the quality of life. Often, symptom-suppressing medications over a longer […]
BICOM® Bioresonance patients from all over Germany – Case studies for sun and food allergy
Bioresonance has become indispensable for my practice, the successes speak for themselves. Next to chiropractic, it is used most often. It is by far the best option, especially for allergy-related diseases. Some of my patients travel long distances to come to Viersen from all over Germany. Case study 1: Sun allergy Patient, female, 48, suffered […]
International master’s program “Bioresonance – Application Methods” from Italy
The world’s first Master’s degree course in bioresonance and its practical applications has been prepared and approved by a major Italian telematics university. This Master’s program is designed for different countries. Organised by the prestigious UniCamillus Medical University, the Master’s degree is not only the culmination of decades of work, but also an impetus for […]
Skepticism turned into enthusiasm and success!
A colleague advised me to use the BICOM® bioresonance method. Due to my doubts and concerns about this method, I was more than skeptical at first. The decision to finally go for it was not easy for me. In addition, I could not see any great added value for my practice at that time, since […]
“95% of my chronically ill patients suffer from obvious or hidden allergies”
I unfortunately had to realize that classical medicine often treats the symptom, but not the actual cause. This realization captivated me so much that I finally trained to become a naturopathic practitioner. In the year 2000 I successfully passed my examination with success and after that I first gained experience in a medical practice that […]
High success rate with allergy treatments
Originally, my practice focused on colon hydrotherapy, but gradually the BICOM® Bioresonance Method has become more and more established. Nowadays, it is used with almost half of my patients. The spectrum of application is large. Allergies and allergy-related disorders have increased considerably in recent years. The success rate here is about 80-90%. Due to the […]
Help for allergy sufferers – without expensive medication
Fortunately, I heard about the bioresonance method during my training in medicine, and as a result I became intensively involved in this type of allergy treatment. I was already very impressed by this method at that time, as it does not cause any harmful side effects, but is efficient in its effect. When I later […]
“Simple” work with bioresonance
“Everything vibrates – that is the basis of life, indeed of the whole universe. I am happy to contradict the idea that vibrational medicine is to be the medicine of the future, because fortunately, it is already in our present. As a bioresonance therapist, I use this possibility to treat patients. It is an “easy” […]
Bioresonance yes or no?
During one of my training courses I got into conversation with a doctor who has been working with REGUMED® equipment for many years. She was full of praise for the bioresonance method. Although I had heard about this method on various occasions, I was rather reserved about it. However…
“Animal experiments” of a different kind
After I had purchased a BICOM® device, I initially treated only my cats with it. Since animals are completely unbiased, this was the ideal approach for me to test the effectiveness of this method. It was very fascinating how willingly these sensitive animals were to sit on the modulation mat for therapy. They remained relaxed […]
Chicken egg white allergy
Just three years ago I thought that I didn’t need a bioresonance device. Today I am absolutely convinced of my BICOM® device and I am glad that I decided to use it. Shortly before I bought the BICOM® device, I had a little boy undergoing homeopathic treatment. He suffered from allergies and Neurodermatitis. During this […]
Gentle, but thorough help for patients
My career change was the best decision I could have made. I look forward to the practice every day and my patients are very dear to me! I got to know and appreciate the BICOM® bioresonance method many years ago. Until I was 19 years old, I had neurodermatitis and suffered a lot from it. I owe it to bioresonance that […]
Complementary forms of treatment are trending
In 2006 I opened my own practice. At that time, I quickly realized that I needed other options besides conventional medicine in order to be able to offer my patients comprehensive help. During my training as a medical specialist I had become superficially acquainted with the bioresonance method, but at that time I was still […]
More effective treatment with bioresonance
When I opened my own practice four years ago, I immediately purchased the new BICOM® bioresonance device. The reason for this investment was my own experience years earlier with a painful herpes zoster disease. At that time, the BICOM® bioresonance treatment of a colleague helped me a lot and provided quick relief from my symptoms. […]
BICOM® bioresonance in combination with test ampules
In 2018, my little spaniel developed a massive food intolerance and had enormous physical problems. My veterinary practitioner recommended bioresonance and used it to treat my dog. I couldn’t believe it, but it worked great. This aroused great interest in me as a conventional doctor and I very quickly bought my own BICOM® bioresonance device. […]
Therapy successes are the best motivation
Treatment successes are not only to gain for the patient in their quality of life, but for me as a treating physician it is also gratifying when I am able to help my patients. It always gives me new motivation and joy in my daily work. My therapeutic approach within the bioresonance method is holistic […]
Bioresonance therapy: even faster results with low deep frequencies
As an ENT specialist, I have been using BICOM® bioresonance therapy regularly in my practice for 10 years. With the addition of the low deep frequencies, I now have even faster and more effective results. As part of my work in allergology within conventional medicine, I find an increasing number of children suffering from multi-allergies. […]
Very itchy rash during vacations
A patient report by Mrs. Lange-Sohn In August last year, Mrs. L. came to my practice with her 11-year-old son N.. He had a very itchy rash all over his body. The rash had appeared a week earlier during a stay in their vacation apartment. Mother and son had already feverishly thought about what could […]